Selecta One debut with new & proven plants @ #fots2023

See first-time exhibitors Selecta One on stand D33, displaying the followings stunning plants:
Trixi® (Ayers Rock & Blue Joy Mood pictured above)
Selectas Trixi® mixes have proven over many years to perform great on any balcony and terrace. With particular attention to the highly topical issues of drought tolerance, heat resistance and insect-friendliness. Like all Trixi® combinations, these new introductions have been successfully tested. They meet the highest requirements for storability and transportability and stand out thanks to their high durability and excellent flowering properties.
Selecta Pelargoniums: Tumbao®
Tumbao® and Smokey Eyes® series in Pelargonium, plus the eye-catching variety Ylenia. For Selecta one, the most important requirements for the Tumbao® varieties are: a good summer performance, i.e. a good heat tolerance, as well as many flowers throughout the summer. In addition, they all have an upright and strong growth, a dark foliage colour with zone and dark flower stems. Tumbao® On Fire offers beautiful, bright red and a super contrast with the dark foliage colour and the strong zone together with the dark flower stems. Overall, this flower colour has great potential to become a sales hit. Tumbao® Extra Pink is a colour complement to the red with its beautiful dark pink.
Smokey Eye® (bottom right image)
Smokey Eye® varieties have a graceful eye pattern in the flower and are therefore always an eye-catcher. The three varieties in the series stand out with their large flowers and long-lasting bloom. Early flowering, medium growth and good branching are further plus points of these interspecific Pelargoniums.
The single-flowering novelty Ylenia is a special variety with spectacularly large flowers in intense red with a pink edge. In addition to its outstanding summer and outdoor performance, the particularly lively branching and the very round structure are convincing.
Calibrachoa MiniFamous® Neo Double Loopy
Calibrachoa line MiniFamous® Neo Double: Loopy Pink and Loppy Lavender (bottom left image). Two beautiful double flowering Calibrachoa varieties in pink and lavender with a special yellow circle. As all MiniFamous® Neo varieties they vigorous growing with good branching and therefore ideal for baskets and big containers.
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