Why you really must visit 51st Four Oaks Trade Show – 5-6 Sept #fots2023

There’ll be more than 40 debutantes, 13+ exhibitors returning after a long gap, and hundreds of regulars on 600+ stands at the 51st Four Oaks Trade Show. Add that to a top-class conference programme and it’s difficult to imagine a more productive day than one spent visiting the Four Oaks Nursery site in Cheshire on 5-6 September.
The industry will gather for the opportunity to see an extensive range of plant stock from around the world, together with products & services that can be retailed or used in #horticulture businesses of all kinds. The opportunities to network, learn about the latest trends and innovations in the sector while advancing personal knowledge and expertise add to the experience and make a 2023 visit essential.
Four Oaks is for all in the sector and we welcome industry colleagues from garden retail, commercial growing, landscape, amenity, garden design & any other element of the sector – at whatever stage in their career.
REGISTER NOW for FREE entry, parking & catalogue.
Many buyers make advantageous pre-show arrangements to buy the stock brought for display at the Four Oaks Trade Show. Organisers urge those interested to contact exhibitors directly NOW, particularly if stock is coming from EU, for the necessary arrangements & documentation to be made in time.
NEW plant exhibitors for 2023 include a strong Belgian contingent, with 6 debutantes on a pavilion organised by VLAM – read more about them here. The Plant Team will also bring it’s Belgian Division and two new Polish nurseries Szmit & Sutkowscy will join. Evergreen Exterior, Wykeham Mature Plants, Selecta Klemm, Frans Muysers, Graines Voltze and Jac. Niekerk B.V. are all first-timers.
Wharton Garden Roses, Van Vliet New Plants, Javadoplant, Floranord, Laurica-plants, Batouwe, Vivai Vitale, Van Eyken, Boningale, Kelly’s & Viking Nurseries all return after a gap.
NEW products & services suppliers include All Grow Supplies, Artevasi, Austin Stone, Biobest UK, Evergreen Pots and Soil, Flowergrow, Ivyline, Klasmann Deilmann, Proptek UK, TJ Home & Garden Ornaments, Gardens of Stone, Van Tuijl Haaften, debuting with a range of growing media, biological control, pots, planters, garden features & ornaments. Morsapack and Link Print and Packaging offer solutions to industry packaging needs. Klass/Eleganze will exhibit its clothing range. Ligneolus and CJS Display will exhibit retail display benches for the first time. HAWE and TTA will display cultivation systems / production automation. Groflow and Green Solutions have innovative software systems for nurseries and garden centres. Kent & Co (Twines), Plantlife and Kersten Site Maintenance and Wildlife and Birdcare Nature Recovery Project (both on outside plots) are interesting new additions to check out. Lantra and The Colegrave Seabrook Foundation join us in the Educate, Collaborate & Innovate zone for the first time, backing up participation in the conference programme.
Returning after a gap include Growth Technology, IMA Greenhouses, PG Horticulture, Pot Tsar and Vegepod.
Conference highlights include leading industry figures from trade bodies, government, exhibitors and visiting companies all offering practical advice and the wisdom of their experiences for free and there’s no need to book. Subjects covered include key issues like apprenticeships, bursaries and training schemes – whether you’re a business owner/manager or a candidate looking for advice. Other areas covered are imports, exports & biosecurity with technical seminars and debate on transitioning to peat-free and sustainability. In addition, APHA and YPHA teams are supporting sessions on importing/exporting and apprenticeships/bursaries/training schemes with the offer of one-to-one advice surgeries. Full programme: Seminars & Expert Panels – Four Oaks Trade Show (fouroaks-tradeshow.com)